Zum Glück gibt es im Bereich der Alten See bei Ziesar noch Restbestände des Breitblättrigen Knabenkrautes (Dactylorhiza majalis), einer Orchideenart, die hier einstmals sehr zahlreich vorhandenen war.
One Thought to “Zum Glück gibt es im Bereich der Alten See bei Ziesar noch Restbestände des Breitblättrigen Knabenkrautes (Dactylorhiza majalis), einer Orchideenart, die hier einstmals sehr zahlreich vorhandenen war.”
Thank you very much for the kind words about my blog. I am very happy if you like the content and the look of the website. My aim is to show the beauty of the local nature in words and pictures in order to encourage activities to protect it, because unfortunately there is not much left. But what is still there must be documented.
Best regards, Winfried Kohls
Thank you very much for the kind words about my blog. I am very happy if you like the content and the look of the website. My aim is to show the beauty of the local nature in words and pictures in order to encourage activities to protect it, because unfortunately there is not much left. But what is still there must be documented.
Best regards, Winfried Kohls